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Parents & Carers & Families & Friends

These recipes (activities) are designed to be adult-led, specifically by parents, carers, families or friends to facilitate and play with children and young people. 

These recipes are tailored to home or personal
Play-Space settings.

All recipes come with designed resources.

All recipes include
colour and black-and-white versions, for accessible viewing online and printing. 

Click on the images below to explore each recipe. 

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What If? Imaginary Worlds

Adult Led

What If? Imaginary Worlds

This recipe explores the role of fashion in alternative imaginary worlds. We will create and perform our own characters and story from an imaginary world which explores ‘what if’s?’ in the future of fashion!


Adult Led


Pass-The-Dress-Ups uses clothing, accessories and random objects to play a game of dressing up, imagination and reinvention.

Searching For Stor(i)es

Adult Led

Searching For Stor(i)es

Have you ever thought about the stories behind our clothing and clothing stores? You act as fashion detectives to explore our local neighbourhood and clothing to discover these stories. Using these discoveries, we will imagine the future of our clothing and clothing stores!

Hidden Narratives

Adult Led

Hidden Narratives

Our clothes are physical objects. But they also carry our memories and our personal and family stories. Let’s investigate the hidden narratives (stories) behind our clothes!

Wear Where?

Adult Led

Wear Where?

Have you ever thought about where you wear your clothes? What if we wear our clothing differently to how it is designed? Let's experiment with our clothing, turning it upside down, inside out, and on its head!

What Can You See in 3D?

Adult Led

What Can You See in 3D?

We see the world in 3D, but how can we see our 3D world differently? Put on your imaginary ‘3D’ glasses, to think outside of this world! Let’s re-envision and re-imagine the world around us…


Adult Led


Everyone has their own unique style and fashion sense. But what if we wore someone else’s clothes?
What kind of outfits could we create? Let’s share, swap, wear and play dress-ups with each other’s clothing!

Fashion Friends

Adult Led

Fashion Friends

We should think of our clothes as our friends. Let’s imagine our clothes are our friends and imagine a world where our clothes come to life!

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